I love the picture! Becca sent me one like this when she had her recent medical procedure done and it gave me enough of a chuckle that I didn't worry about her as much. I thought it might do the same for my friends and family.
I am home and relatively pain free! I didn't get in for surgery until almost 4:30 on Tuesday. I swear, the most difficult part was trying to establish a stupid IV! I got poked 6 times in my right arm, because they didn't want to put it on the side I would be laying on. I told them that my left arm was best; but what do I know! After only 2 sticks on the left arm, they got the IV started. After that, the anesthesiologist came in and offered me a "cold one" (It amazes me that everyone assumes that all human beings are drinkers!) through an epidural. It really did relax me, Ron actually took notes about the stupid things I said. The picture is proof that I was feeling pretty relaxed. Anyway, got an x-ray, they taped a gauge on my right thigh, I initialed my R hip, and we headed for surgery. Then, the second most difficult part; waking up from the anesthesia. UGH! I always shiver uncontrollably and feel like I am fighting a royal case of morning sickness. Finally got the shivers under control and got back to my room around 7:30 Tuesday evening. For the rest of Tuesday night, Wednesday, and Wednesday night I battled with every narcotic known to man and lost each fight. Pain I can deal with; nausea and lightheadedness I cannot. So, by 10:00 this morning I decided to go without narcotics and settled for Darvocet and Motrin. I can't tell you how much better I felt within hours. During that time I was mastering all of the PT exercises and becoming good friends with a walker and bedside toilet. Anyway, I am home and am thrilled with the new hip. However, I SWEAR my right leg is now longer than the left one!
Great story. You should offer to do a commercial for Hip Replacement Facilities. You make me want to go get one and my hip is fine! Okay, not really but I am glad you had such a great experience. Happy Rehab!
You could always have a thicker sole put on your shoe:) I'm glad everything went well, hopefully you are up and breaking that thing in soon.
I'm glad you are so excited for your new hip! Glad everything went well and you are now home with Ron. I'm sure he is taking good care of you.
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