Ugh! Ringing in the ears is a nuisance! I had forgotten that aspirin makes my ears ring. I used to take it years ago for every ache or pain but, once Tylenol came around, I switched. My surgeon has me taking it to help avoid blood clots; however, I think I might see if I can call the nurse and see about stopping it. I can't get to sleep!
Recuperation is coming along nicely. I walked loops in the driveway while Leslie weeded the flower bed. I walked loops in the house in the afternoon while Ron did laundry. And, this evening Ron took me to the chapel so I could walk inside for a longer, uninterrupted time. 15 minutes, yahoo! Actually, that small amount of time irritates me. Patience is not something I have in abundance.
Physical therapy is difficult. Most of the movements are simply tightening and the releasing the muscles in my legs, hips and bottom. However, I have to move the leg to the side with movement taking place in the hip area while my torso remains steady. That one is tough! It moves out about 3 inches right now. Ron is wonderful. He keeps telling me that he is amazed by my progress. Either I don't recognize it as clearly as he does or he is a great liar.
I read through my post op instructions this afternoon to see if there was anything I had forgotten. It seems that I was supposed to weigh myself every day and report any weight gain over 3 lbs. to the surgeon. I didn't know that, AND it started me thinking: Is the new hip lighter/heaver than the old one? Will the extra 2 inches I KNOW I have make me heavier or is the extra length from the artificial joint lighter than the bone that was removed? Should I compare today's weight with the pre-op weight that was accurate before 3 days of not eating due to nausea? Hmmm, I think I have too much time on my hands.
It sounds like you are doing great! Keep it up and find a good book to read, so you don't get too bored! The 3 pounds is for swelling. You can trap a whole lot of fluid in your thigh without knowing it and that will cause you all kinds of nerve damage, etc. Just compare day to day and don't worry about the number was before!
I don't know much about hip replacements, but it sounds like you're doing amazing to me!! Keep it up and I'm so glad you're feeling better!
You? No Patience? You have got to be kidding, right? Or maybe you just don't have patience with yourself because you have such an abundance with everyone else. You are a TeAcHeR after all!
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