There is so much I could say in this post. I could write paragraphs about what an odd duck Scott has always been; but, that would take up way too much space. I'll try to condense it by saying that Scott was the one child that I worried and fretted over growing old and alone. He never really dated much while in high school. He has had only one girlfriend that I know of; and, we never even met her because they dated when he lived in Arizona. He is the one child that drew more from my gene pool than Ron's. He is a gifted wood worker, smart to the point of freakishness, compassionate, service oriented, dependable, opinionated, loyal, and the biggest slob I know. As he aged, he grew more and more accustomed to being on his own. He never had plans to marry. He never wanted children. As he often said, "Getting married just means I have to share my stuff. And, I don't want to share my stuff."
All of that started to change about a year and a half ago.
Ron and I were living in the 5th wheel behind Scott's house. We had managed to take 2 trips in our RV and were looking forward to more. Unfortunately, Ron started having more health issues and it looked like we were going to be doing less and less traveling. Whenever we were home, Scott's social life consisted of golfing with guys from the fire department. Going to Trivia Night with guys from the fire department. Attending the bachelor parties and weddings for guys in the fire department. Playing softball on the fire department team. Or, attending meetings with the other members of the fire fighters' association.
One day, he popped his head in our door and said he was meeting a friend for dinner. Odd. If he wanted to get food from a restaurant, he would tell us he was running in to pick it up and asked if we wanted any. Soon, he was talking about going to movies or other places with his "friend." Eventually, he told me that he was dating a girl that was a friend of a friend. His story was a little poorly thought through. He said this friend of a friend had seen a picture of him in he Lederhosen and made a comment about it on Facebook. First of all, Scott is NEVER on Facebook. But, I let it slide. Eventually, he got tangled up in his story and admitted, "I lied. I met her online. I didn't want anyone to know because there are so many weirdos out there. And, I didn't want anyone trying to fix me up." When I asked him what made him decide to start dating, he said that the wife of one of his co-workers asked him if he ever felt alone. He said he was actually okay with being alone; but, he had never really been with someone and didn't really know if it would be better. (Like I said, he is an odd duck.)
Anyway, eventually we were introduced to Molly; the "friend." They came by the Expo Center when Leslie and I were set up at a Sami Show. Leslie's girls, Maggie and Sophie, were there and got to meet her as well. As they walked away, Sophie said, "Yep. They are in love."
Sophie must have been a little more intuitive than the rest of us. We didn't see it right away. Molly is a city girl. Scott likes isolation. Molly is an only child. Scott has a large family. Molly is not outdoorsy. Scott loves it. But, for all their differences, they compliment one another. I've watched them grow closer and come to care deeply for one another. It has been a joy to this worrier of a mother's heart. We are thankful that Molly has brought out a side of Scott that was hidden. He is happier, sillier, harder working, more future minded, and a more rounded individual. Maybe even less of an odd duck that he was before.
Molly and Scott are now married (post about the wedding to follow) and starting a life together. Ron and I are so happy for them. Welcome to the family, Molly. And thank you... I no longer worry about Scott becoming a hermit and dying all alone in an isolated cabin in the mountains of Colorado.