Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Fabric Stash is Finally Manageable

 When Mom passed away, she left behind enough fabric, sewing machines, books and notions to stock a small quilt store. When we cleaned out her house, I wasn’t able to convince any of my brothers to take some of the stash. My one sister-in-law that also quilts, did take one sewing machine, a few unfinished projects, and some notions. Everything else was boxed up and moved to our house. Just getting it all organized took most of the summer. There is a previous post about that; but, these pictures show all of the nooks and crannies I stored fabric in. 

The last picture is of the boxes of fabric and miscellaneous sewing supplies I donated to the quilt guild. There was just soooo much fabric! 

Over the years, I have used up a significant amount of fabric by completing all of Mom’s unfinished projects, making and donating baby quilts, lap quilts and pillow cases. I even sewed countless masks during the COVID pandemic! Still, it felt like the stash wasn’t really dwindling away fast enough. Eventually, I conned Leslie into joining me in one last ditch effort to sew up fabric by opening an Etsy shop and setting up booths at many craft shows. 

Admittedly, I often felt like the little ant trying to move the rubber tree plant. I had “high hopes.” It paid off because I can now say the fabric stash is a normal, manageable size. All thanks to this beast of a cabinet. 

I spied this massive gem as Ron and I were driving through the neighborhood. It was sitting in the garage of an empty cottage that our maintenance guy, Cody, was painting. At first, I thought he might be adding a pantry to the kitchen, but, it didn’t match the cabinets. So, we stopped and Ron asked Cody about it. He told him the previous residents just left it when they moved. He gladly hauled it down to our garage; just to keep from having to bust it up and haul it to a dumpster somewhere.

It turned out to actually be an entertainment center. After consulting Scott about putting shelves in it, Ron gutted it and installed shelves. I used shelf liner on the back and shelves just to give the fabric a smooth surface to avoid accidental picks or snags. 

Once the cabinet was finished, Ron and I muscled it into the bedroom and I gave the fabric one final, thorough purge.

The beast after Ron gutted it.

We had to remove the crown molding, just to get it inside!

The door are “retractable” so Ron put strips of wood behind the mechanisms 
to hold the shelf supports.

Ron stained the wood strips and shelves to match the cabinet.

I used spray adhesive to attach 
shelf liner to the back, hoping it will
make it a little brighter inside.

Ready for fabric!

Here are pictures of what remains of Mom’s fabric stash. The fabric is sorted by color, with yardage folded and stacked in the rear. The remnants that were of usable sizes were wrapped around comic book boards, then stacked in front of the yardage.

The bottom drawer holds all of the fat quarters; and, all machine embroidery materials are in the upper compartment. Sadly, not all fabric fit into the beast. So, I am in the process of lining the remaining plastic containers with shelf liner. That will keep the sun from fading streaks on the folded fabric. 

I am hopeful that this organizational system will help me see which fabrics work together in any quilt I decide to make. Plus, I now feel like I can actually buy coordinating fabric when needed without feeling wasteful. So… mission accomplished, goal met, and rubber tree plant moved!

Ron turns 70…

 The kids decided to throw a surprise party for Ron to celebrate turning 70. I reserved the clubhouse and they did the rest. Such a fun celebration with the family! Leslie was instrumental in getting everything decorated, picking up food, and coordinating everything with the family. I know Ron was really moved by their display of love. We really do have the best kids in the world. 

The whole gang, Jayden is there via cell phone.

Scott & Molly

Leslie’s family

Our kids

Just the two of us… sounds like a song.

Ryan’s family

Rebecca’s family

The grandkids

It was a wonderful gathering with those we love most. Sadly, these precious moments seem to be fewer and very far between. Such is life, I guess. 😟

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Tee Shirt Quilts

 Ryan and Jamie are getting ready to relocate to Connecticut. During their purging, the gathered up assorted shirts and nightgowns to be used in quilts. These are the end result. 

The first 3 pictures are of the twins’ elementary school shirts.  I tried something new with them. Instead of the traditional quilt sandwich, using batting, backing, and the top; I used a fleece blanket to back the shirts. The blanket was plush enough that batting wasn’t needed. They ended up super cuddly.

Ryan had a bunch of cruise shirts in colors that are very tropical. I used pieces of the backs for a scrappy border. I really like this color pallet.

Of course, Ryan also had a ton of Ohio State and Star Wars shirts. There weren’t quite enough to make a quilt that was decent sized without using blank squares from the backs. Luckily, Ron donated a few of his. I had enough that I was able piece the backing with the shirt backs. There is a pretty cool Star Wars block at the bottom.

Jamie had a ton of Disney nightgowns that she had bought the girls over the years. They were various sizes which made setting them up a bit of a challenge. The fabric was also pretty stretchy compared to the tee shirts. Not fun to sew at all! There were also some Peter Pan tee shirts that made up into a cute little lap quilt. 

Hopefully, the quilts will bring back lots if happy memories for their family. They aren’t my most enjoyable type of quilt to make; but, knowing they will be loved makes me happy.


 After our sweet Boomer died, Ron and I debated whether or not we should another dog. We decided to do some shopping around, just to see what was available. We check the animal shelters, adoption web sites, market place on Facebook… you name it, we looked. People either wanted a fortune in “rehoming fees” or the dogs were too old, too young, or too big. 

Finally, Ron mentioned he was looking for a small dog to adopt on the neighbors app. One of the members knew of a young family with a Chiweenie that they needed to find a new home for. They had a 2 year old and were expecting a new baby any day. They felt having a young, active dog was too much under the circumstances. They sent Ron a picture; and, fell in love with his sweet face. That’s how little Theo came into our family. We love him to pieces! 

He has the saddest little eyes that melt your heart.

Theo loves to play with toys from his 2 legged sibblings.

He loves treats from Daddy.

He has his own Theo sized yard.

He is a sleep-in-a-kennel fail.

He hates his harness but loves walks.

He loves the big dogs (horses) in the back yard.

He is a great quilting buddy. 
He fits perfectly under Mom’s sewing machine.

H loves going bye-bye; but, hates his car seat.

He is spoiled by his new extended family.

He is stubborn but eventually uses the doggie door… grudgingly.

Ron and I aren’t the best at doggie discipline. Theo is a tubby, spoiled, and very much loved addition to our little family. I think we love him almost as much as our Boomer. 💕

Friday, January 12, 2024

Lampassas TX with Ryan’s Family

 Recently, Ron and I had to make a trip down to Central Texas to pick up his father’s ring. It had broken and was in for repair at a jewelry store we have used for decades. Whenever we are in the area, we try to get together with at least part of the family. 

Ryan and his family met us at the park in Lampassas for a picnic lunch, feeding ducks, and a chance to just visit. It was a beautiful day, perfect for being outside. It was also our new pup, Theo’s, first introduction to the twins. He fell in love with them! Which was a huge relief. He is a bit on the defensive when he is around strangers. 
Besides the beautiful weather, lovely park, great company, and lots of laughter, there was one more  thing that made the day relaxing and stress free. That was the total lack of interest little Theo had in the ducks. Well, except for their poop. He thought it was rather tasty.
Thank goodness! I really didn’t want to drive home with a wet, stinky dog that had decided to dive in after them! 

Here are some pictures Jamie and I snapped while there. I can’t wait for our next park adventure. Maybe Meridian State Park. It is about half way between us. Soon; for sure!

Sophia looking at turtles of all sizes in the algae.

She tried to interest them in the duck food. They weren’t interested.

Samantha taking a break to watch the ducks.

Sophia getting up close to the scraggliest looking duck there!

It took a while to actually find the ducks. Surprisingly, they were near a group of people fishing.

One of several long legged birds. I am going to guess it is a gray herin… maybe?

Poppy and Theo walking along with the girls.

My number one son, Ryan. Such a kind and handsome guy.

Ron, Jamie, and Ryan cheesing for the camera.

Samantha cornered one!

Yet another long legged bird. Just a little scruffier.

Lots and lots of ducks. All sizes and colors.