Family is made up of people that happen to have been born into the same group. Family changes as siblings marry, children are born, and family dynamics evolve. Family members always love each other; but, sometimes they don't like one another. Life happens; things are said and feelings are hurt. Thankfully, time passes, hurts ease and disagreements mend. But, going though the rough patches is not fun. Looking back at our last day, I can see that the perfect storm for a blow up was brewing. I just didn't see events clearly enough at the time to keep it from happening. While day 3 was not supposed to be the last day of our family staycation, that's what it ended up being. There were highs; but, some terrible lows. I won't share all of the details because by the time I typed this, feelings were on the mend. I will say that we started out vacation having been stressed out by home schooling, working from home, trying to social distance, etc. And, after 2 days, we were all tired, done with living in cramped quarters, finished with dealing with unrelenting heat, and exhausted from filling time by over-scheduling activities. I believe all will be well and that we will continue to gather as a family. However, we won't spend an extended time in such a small space with unrelenting heat ever, ever again.
Our day started out with another hike. This time, we went to an area near Harker Heights that is near Stillhouse Lake. It is utilized by mountain bikers, hikers, and horseback riders. It used to be maintained by the Corp of Engineers; but, I believe the city of Harker Heights may have taken over management. Regardless, it is a mess of winding, rough trails, overgrown vegetation, and not at all an easy hike. We were all exhausted from wandering around lost, without clear markers on the trails. It was a long, hot, miserable morning. Scott and Molly did not go with us. Molly had to work, and Scott had a leadership course that was unexpectedly rescheduled because of COVID, and took place during his vacation days. His intent was to stay home during our hike and get some of the online things completed. Ron and Gerson also opted to stay back and made a garbage and recycling run while we were out. We had all intended to get back around lunch time, eat lunch together and finish up the various activities that had been planned, pick up an order from Rudy's for dinner, and break camp the next morning. Instead, there was a blow up, misunderstanding, disagreement... whatever you want to call it, and we decided it was just best if we broke camp and everyone went home to get some rest. It was a sad, sad way to end our vacation. I could have glossed over it and pretended it didn't happen. But, that isn't family. That isn't life. And, this blog is about family... the good and the bad.
So here are some pictures of our morning hike. You can see smiles, you can see the affection and love we have for one another. It is still there. Just in need of some personal space right now.
Jamie, Sophia, Sophie, Leslie, Maggie, Samantha, and Mimi |
Sophia on one of the horribly, rocky trails. |
The views of the lake were few and far between. The thick vegetation also blocked most of the breeze. |
Ryan and the twins. |
Jamie and Ryan |
Maggie |
trudging up yet another rocky bike trail |
Sophia |
Samantha and Maggie |
Finally, a view of the lake! |
Leslie and some of the grands. |
Jamie and Ryan with Sophia |
I do love and adore every single person in my family. I am thankful for the addition of in-laws that are unique and add new dimensions to the dynamics of our core group. I couldn't ask for more wonderful, brilliant, or beautiful grandkids. I just wish there weren't sad times. I know I should be thankful for the sad times because they are supposed to make a person appreciate the good times even more. But, I haven't reached that level of spiritual maturity yet. I still think the sad times stink!
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