Of the towns and cities we visited while on the cruise, Skagway was the most enjoyable. We happened to be there on the 4th of July, so I am sure that contributed to the small town atmosphere that was present that day. The local citizens were having all sorts of silly competitions going on throughout the day: egg toss competition, the slowest bike race, watermelon seed spitting contest, etc. In addition, the sales people in the local shops dressed in period costumes and were wonderfully entertaining.
We didn't have much time in town, because our train ride took up most of our day; so, we walked around the main street, visited the quilt shop, the fudge shop, and took some pictures. The town is very small with the main street district covering maybe 8 blocks. And, it isn't what you would consider a city block because most of the buildings are small, frame structures. The exteriors are bright and colorful and decorated with unusual items.
I thought I had taken many more pictures that I actually did. I suppose it is because I was so fascinated just walking around and looking at everything. But, I will share what I have.
We had our picture taken during the bus ride down the White Pass... |
Hilltop view of Skagway with our cruise ship in the background... |
To the right there are raised community gardens... |
I thought it was fascinating how they grew flowers along the foundation of the buildings! |
This was the exterior of a building down a side street... |
The quilt shop was wonderful and gave free fat quarters & patterns to our quilt retreat group. |
The exterior is covered with antlers... weird! |
The train depot... |
Flowers at the train depot... |
More flowers... |
I loved these blue bottles! I don't know why, but bottle trees have always impressed me... |
We caught sight of a local fisherman cleaning his catch for the day. We were walking back to the cruise ship and I though it was pretty cool to watch him. I also thought Seth would like to see the size of the fish. |
1 comment:
Ok, this is cool, but so not my idea of a cruise. I do not want to wear a jacket on a cruise- I want to be in a bathing suit the entire time!
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