When I took the Christmas decorations down, the house seemed so bare. I thought I would try to come up with a couple of things to put on the desk in the entry way and on the fireplace mantle.
I decided to take some wooden blocks and glue on the letters for Happy New Year. In my mind's eye, these blocks looked a lot better. I still want to get some glitter spray and give them a coat of that, then find some sort of sparkly floral-type spray with stars on it. I figure I could drill a hole in the top of the H to stick the spray in. I think that might jazz them up a bit. Right now, they are a little drab.

My friend, Marilyn, suggested I put out some snowmen because they would be appropriate for the wintery months between Christmas and Valentine's Day. I saw one on Ucreate and copied the idea. Ron says they need hats, but I haven't figured out how to put them on. Until then, they are hatless snow people.

Several months ago, the girls and I had a craft day to make presents for the grandparents. Now that Christmas has come and gone, I am able to post a picture of my mother's set. We made another for Ron's mother in browns with sepia photos. Both sets turned out adorable.
Now to finish up recording Christmas 2010. Our Christmas dinner took a turn for the better this year. I really didn't look forward to yet another turkey after having 2 Thanksgiving dinners. And, ham didn't sound great either. One evening I asked Scott what he wanted for dinner and his standard reply came up, "Chicken enchiladas." Of course Ryan was sitting next to him and he second that request. G was sitting just down the table from the boys and he piped up with "Tamale's!" As a result, we ended up with a wonderful Mexican dinner on Christmas Eve. I had found some new place mats at Pier I and couldn't pass them up. I think the colors worked well with our Mexican fare.

Of course, this post wouldn't be complete without Christmas pictures of my sweet grandchildren. Sophie Lyn has turned into such a character. She found Ron's Cowboy's Santa hat and plopped it on her head. That led to a challenging hour trying to get some pictures of the girls. This was the cutest one of Sophie.
Maggie continues to be a ham in front of the camera; so, most of the time her pictures have a huge cheesy grin or a goofy face. This was the best shot I got of her this Christmas. She is the perfect age for Christmas. I think we all got a kick out of her response to each gift she opened.

And then there is my handsome guy Seth. Several months before Christmas, he had come over for the night. I asked him what he wanted and he told me he wanted a Star Wars Lego set. I had him go online to the Lego site and write down all of the ones he would like to have, with the understanding that I would get him one set. He ended up giving me a list that covered the front and back of a paper. I told him the list was a bit long, so I gave him a hi-lighter and told him to underline the ones he wanted most. That narrowed it down to around 20! He said he was please with the one I finally picked out.
Now that Christmas is over, Ron and I are looking forward to a quiet New Year's Eve. We usually get together with the kids and have a game night and shoot off fireworks. This year we are all in favor of staying at home and chilling out. However, knowing my kids, I think that might end up changing.
Happy New Year to you all!
I love your crafty creations! Very fun!
We love Lego's at our house, too. And they are so worth the price to me, because it is something the kids actually play with for hours!
I love your snowmen!
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