I had today (Veteran's Day) off so Ron and I decided to slip up to the temple in Dallas. We just can't seem to manage to get up there on the weekends as often as we would like because of so many family commitments, so this was a perfect opportunity. Any trip to the temple is a special experience but today's was especially sweet. Ron has just recently started working on family history research using the church's online system. I had mentioned wanting to know how to use it when our home teachers were visiting last month. One of them, Richard Armstrong, came over one day the very next week and walked Ron through process. In just 2 weeks, Ron has managed to get 55 names ready to take to the temple. He is so excited about the work and has decided to present the information in our 5th Sunday combined lesson this month. I know the spirit touched his heart many times as he performed this sacred work. One day when I came home from work, he shared how powerfully the Spirit moved him as he printed the form for his great-grandfather.
We hope to set up a date in the near future to take Leslie and G up for baptisms. They are getting close to the time when they will go to the temple for their own endowments and I think a baptismal trip would be wonderful for G. He is growing in the gospel and spends time with the missionaries when they visit with Spanish-speaking investigators. As a matter of fact, he was asked to give his first talk at a baptism last week. He tries to talk to Leslie whenever he doesn't understand specific points of doctrine, but the language issue causes some problems. That's when he calls Ryan and gets things cleared up. Leslie says it is so funny to hear them on the phone yammering away in Spanish about the gospel. I often marvel at how our Heavenly Father works things out. If Ryan had been sent to serve a mission in any other country, he would have never been able to speak Spanish as fluently has he does and wouldn't be able to help out when G needs someone to talk to.
How neat! I, too, have been playing around on the newfamilysearch website. I think it's so fascinating! I'm having major problems with Steven's side of the family though. His biological dad is out of the picture completely, so trying to get any info there is proving to be difficult! We'll keep working on it though. Hopefully we can get Hannah to do some baptisims, then we can do the endowments next time we go. Tell Uncle Ron he's inspired me to keep working on it!
Did you ever get my email about Readers Digest? I am going to send it out tomorrow. Let me know if you are interested.
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