I have had such a battle with the blues lately, that I simply haven't felt like blogging. But, I realized that if this is truly going to be a record of "stuff" in my life, the blues certainly need a place in the blog. My sweet husband, Ron, who never seems to have a gloomy day doesn't seem to understand why I feel blue from time to time. I can't ever really put my finger on it either, so I mostly try to ignore it because they eventually go away. I try to count my blessings and stay busy, so that they pass more quickly. That works for me.
During the past couple of months, we have been pretty busy ending our summer and moving into fall. Ron wanted to visit his family in Ohio this year, so we took Becca, Seth, and Maggie with us. It was a pleasant trip and we were able to see all of Ron's family and some of mine on our trip. The kids traveled well, and we didn't have any problems along the way. It was great for Seth to meet his cousin, TJ and find out that they have so much in common! We enjoyed going to the county fair and discovering that it is just like we remembered it.
Cousins TJ, Seth, & Maggie |
While in Ohio, Ron and I were able to finally get a marker placed on the grave of the baby we lost early in our marriage. He chided himself because it took so long to get it placed, but I reminded him that we've been busy with life; caught up in the challenges of raising a military family. We are content and at peace with the choice we made for the marker. We hope that members of Ron's family will take us up on our offer to let them have the remaining 3 burial plots so that someone else in the family will be buried near our baby. Our intention is to be buried here in Texas because it is now our home.
My surgery to repair the heel spur and Morton's Neuroma went well. I feel better each day, and look forward to being able to get out with Ron for our daily walks. My co-workers have been helpful and check on me daily to make sure I'm doing okay. I really work with wonderful people and am thankful for them.
Post surgery footwear... not cute, but comfy |
Returning to school this year was difficult. Not because of the surgery, but because I am just tired of working. I am ready to retire, but still have at least 3 years before I can collect a full annuity. I think part of my worries about working have a lot to do with how I feel physically. It seems as I age, I don't have the energy I used to have or heal as quickly as I used to. Therefore, I seem to work and come home exhausted. Thank goodness Ron helps out so much at home. He cooks, helps with the cleaning, and laundry. He is a real treasure and I would be overwhelmed without him.
Ron and his mother, Marie |
There are many moments of joy during my work days, which make it easier to keep working. I have been at this school long enough to see many of my former students move on into middle school. It is amazing how many of the big, tough 5th graders still run up for a hug when they see me in the hallway or on the playground. I know in this day and age, hugging students is discouraged; but, I will never push a student away when they run up to me with arms open wide, just wanting a little affirmation that they are important to me. The students in my class are very sweet and adorable. This year, I am working with struggling learners again, and that melts my heart. They challenge me and make me want to be a better teacher.
The classroom on Meet the Teacher night |
The family is healthy, clothed, housed, and (for the most part) employed. In these troubled economic times, those are great blessings. My parents seem to be doing well physically, and that is a comfort to me. We still enjoy gathering the kids and grandbabies with them on Wednesdays for food, laughter, and noise. They are crazy evenings, but we all love them.
Mom & Dad... LOVE these two! |
Our furry friends have had some ups and downs lately. We lost Sassy to complications associated with diabetes. Then, as soon as we got back from Ohio, Buddy had to be put down because he had tumors on his kidney and liver. But, we have our newest little friend, Boomer to cheer us up. He is the cutest little mixed breed (beagle & basset hound) that we bought at a flea market while we were in Ohio. He loves the grandkids, they love playing with him. and he fills an empty place in my heart that my Daisy girl left when she died. He is a challenge to get potty trained, but we'll get there eventually.
"I got that Boom, Boom, Boomer!" |
Our weather is starting to cool down now. It is a welcome change from the oppressive heat we have each August, and the rain has helped repair some of the damage from last year's drought. Most of all, it reminds me that fall is near. It is my favorite season, and I love the weather; but, it is the feelings I have during the fall that I love most. I can't quite describe it, but it feels like I have rushed through yet another year, trying to be everything that people expect me to be and thinking that maybe I did an okay job. It feels good to think that I have another year behind me, and fall is wrapping me in warmth and comfort, preparing me for the rest that comes during the winter. That rest gives me the strength to face another new year with renewed hope and determination. Just knowing that this season of rest is ahead of me has brightened my spirits. And, the blues will soon pass.