The family is enjoying a rare treat: all 4 of the kids are home at one time! Scott came home on R&R last Sunday and will be home until the 4th of February. Grandma and Grandpa, Leslie and Maggie, and I met him at the airport. That is actually kind of a funny story in itself. Grandpa was standing at the large window in the upstairs lounge of the airport waiting to snap a picture of Scott as he got off the plane. Now you have to understand that Grandpa is used to seeing Scott in his civilian attire. So he snapped a shot of a tall, young man wearing a ball cap, gray T-shirt, and jeans whom he believed was Scott. He didn't realize that Scott has to travel in his uniform. So Grandpa has a really nice photo of a complete stranger. Wait, it gets better. When Scott walked into the terminal, I snapped the camera at my first sight of him. I ended up getting a really good shot of the guy in front of Scott with Scott grinning over his shoulder. It was nice of the man to at least smile for me. Luckily, I did get a good picture of Scott giving his Grandma a big hug. If you know Scott very well at all, you will know that hugs are NOT his thing so having that picture is extra special. He actually looks like his is enjoying it.
This weekend, Ryan managed to come down for a quick visit and I was able to get a picture of the 4 of them together. That is mostly for Ron because he is still in Maryland on business. Sadly, he will miss all of Scott's visit home. We do have August to look forward too. Hopefully, both Ed and Scott will be home then. Yahoo!