A few months ago, I started thinking about ways to make the land where the yellow house is located more productive. We have about 3 acres around the house and have never really done anything on it except fight cactus, cedar, and rocks. Our boys, the fire fighter and the geologist, have lived in the house since the hubby and I moved to Temple. The yard has lost it's well cared for look; and, most of the cactus and cedar are starting to reclaim the property. It makes me a little sad to walk around the place and think about the years we spent clearing the land and making it a nice place in the country. We keep trying to get the fire fighter to buy the property, but he says, "It's too much house for me." However, I don't think he will ever move out because "That's too much trouble." So, we are faced with a problem: try to sell it in the condition it is after having 2 bachelors live in it for 7 years. Or, use what we have to make a family compound capable of sustaining life.
Hence, the chickens are coming. It is the first step in making the place more life sustaining. (More about that in another post.)
Anyway, the fire fighter is also the family genius and can turn any of my sketches into a reality. I drew a rough sketch of a chicken coop and he turned it into plans.
For the last two days, he has been working on the frame for the coop.
I'm excited to see how it turns out. Knowing that the fire fighter's building ethic is taken from the movie, The Money Pit, it might be a while before it is finished. But, we are off to a great start.
Updates to follow as the "...two weeks" elapse.