When the kids were young, we often went camping during vacation time. It was an inexpensive way to get out and see the sights. And, I have so many pleasant memories of camping while we were raising the kids. There was the time that we went camping in Cloud Croft, New Mexico and the 2 schnauzers ran off; the trip to Inks Lake with Scott's lab, Bodo, who swam CONSTANTLY; the many trips in Germany to see the beautiful sights, the time Becca & Amy decided to chase a turtle only to capsize their canoe; the first time we camped with a solar shower (wonderful!), and the slow
accumulation of camping gear that elevated our meals from cold cut
sandwiches to campfire deliciousness!
Unfortunately, as the kids got older and moved away, the camping trips became fewer and farther between. The last time we went camping was when the grandson, Seth, was only 2. I still chuckle when I think of him roasting hot dogs over the campfire and saying, "I'm cookin' num-nums for my daddy."
Several months ago when Scott asked us if we were going to camp this year, Leslie and I decided to plan a family camping trip. Usually, we have wonderful weather for Spring Break. Unfortunately, this year our winter has been insane. We have been really worried that it wouldn't be warm enough to go. Luckily, the weather warmed up on Sunday and stayed pleasant until Tuesday evening. We had reserved 2 screened shelters at a Corp of Engineers park at Lake Belton. Our intention was to use one for cooking and food, and the other for Leslie's family to sleep in. Becca took the big tent that we handed down to her family, and Scott ended up sleeping in it with all the grandkids. I slept in the back of the Jetta, and Ron slept in his hammock. We weren't able to stay Tuesday night because the weather took a turn for the worse again. Wind gust up to 50 mph and temps as low as 35 with the wind chill didn't appeal to any of us. Below are some pictures I took with my new camera; yea! But, before that, here is a list of the good, the bad, and the very ugly times!
A positive first experience for the granddaughters, family time, beautiful weather, wonderfully maintained camp grounds, relatively good health for everyone, great company, and lots of laughter.
Scott's miserable allergies and strained back, the fish not biting, rain during the first night which sent Ron from his hammock to the truck, sleepless nights for the adults, and a smokey fire.
The Very Ugly:
Clogged toilets in the men's restroom, and one toilet in the women's bathroom that broke off the wall and spilled disgusting matter all over the floor.
All in all it was a wonderful time. How do I know? We are already planning the next trip!
Becca, Seth and Sophie... |
Seth... |
Scott... |
Seth, Sophie, and Maggie... |
Sophie Lyn... |
Maggie, Sophie, Seth, Gerson, and Leslie... |
Sophie Lyn and Maggie Lyn... |
Scott... |
Ron... |
Becca and Gerson... |
Gerson... |
Leslie... |
Sophie, Maggie (under the hammock), and Leslie... |
Maggie Lyn, Leslie, and Sophie Lyn. |